As an Intern in the Counseling Office at City Tech, I’ve been given the task to redesign a few fliers. Their goal is to give it a modern look to appeal to the students and I wish to accomplish that. I’ve been going with a more illustrative approach to my designs so that it feels like the Counseling Office is friendly and inviting. I believe it’s important to show those characteristics because it is a place where students are vulnerable and I want them to feel that it is a safe and fun environment through these fliers. The counselors are technically my clients and they through my supervisor to let him know about any fliers that need to be done. My supervisor then tells me about the job and then I do a design based on their requirements. However, I directly send the flier to the counselors to see if there are changes that need to be made.
These are the fliers I have done so far:
Struggling with Grief Flier FALL 2019