Hello! I’m a student at New York City College of Technology (CityTech) studying Communication Design as an Illustrator. I graduated from High School of Fashion Industries and studied art as well as photography. I’m more into painting than digital art and I’ve gotten a few questions here and there about why I chose CityTech since it is digitally-based. Well, I want to be more flexible with my skills and not just stick to painting. I feel like painting is something I am confident in and can self-teach myself and improve on my own whereas digitally, I can’t do on my own since I lack knowledge of it. Also, what I’ve noticed so far in my first semester at City Tech is that in Communication Design, it really touches the business aspect of art which is something I also lack knowledge of and wish to improve. I also learned the importance of teamwork, craftsmanship, networking and putting yourself out there.
One of my life goals is to have my own art exhibition. I want people to look at my work and be inspired. In high school, for our senior project we had to create 3 Art pieces using which ever media we desired for our Art show (I’ve posted my three art pieces on my main page.) For us this was a big deal because this was our opportunity to show people from other schools,family and friends our skills and what we can do. During the art show, many people wanted to talk to me about my art work and told me how beautiful they thought it was. One person actually wanted to buy one of them. That is the type of impact I want people to have when they look at my work. It made me realize 100% that being an artist is what I want to do.