Daily Archives: June 20, 2015

2015 Best of New York Awards Dinner Project

During one of my days at the Visual Communications office I ended up stepping away from my main project and worked on a print design for the 2015 Best of New York Awards Dinner. I was given the logo and text for the page with instructions to make it fit on a 5×7 cardstock paper.


After measuring the margins on the actual paper and setting up my illustrator file I began working on the design. After a few revisions, and a bit of copy-editing, I ended with a simple, yet formal design. 

One of my biggest challenges was finding appropriate fonts for the job that make to look and feel of the event. I was able to solve this by keeping my audience in mind and matching a relevant font family. From there I was able to narrow it down to work with the page.

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Company Culture

The typical day here at the office of Visual Communications is always busy. There is a mix of cubicles and office spaces for each employee, and is dependent on your position. The attire is formal to business casual – I always try to dress formally to reflect the company culture. The typical employee day is Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm with an hour of lunch.

The photo below is of my current workspace. I’m required to bring my laptop in each day and sit in a cubicle. I like to have a sketchbook and notebook with me at all times so that I can work things out on paper first. I’m not too far from my supervisor and I’m free to visit him if I have any questions or concerns.


Since I am an intern I work 5 hours each, Monday to Thursday – I was also given the freedom to work after hours from home. I’ll be coding the website for city tech and it’s a lot easier for me to work things out through the night and show my progress the next day. That way we could go over the code and find solutions to any problems I’ve encountered.

So far things have worked out fairly well and I’ve made a lot of progress on the website. It’s interesting to see how my design is evolving and will soon be a live website.

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Filed under Internship

The First Days

My journey of acquiring my internship was a rocky but successful one.  I started by applying for several internships in April and May – I heard back from a few places, but they either flaked or did not begin until August. Desperate for a solution, I met with Professor Mason and, with his assistance, I was able to acquire an intern position with the Office of Visual Communications.

My supervisor is Professor Vargas – he has been extremely helpful and open to having me on board. I interviewed with him, after sending him a link to my online portfolio, and was hired on the spot. I was asked mainly about my experience and what I was looking to get out of my time there. We went over a few pieces in my portfolio and discussed how I would implement my skills on the job. I was grateful when he mentioned that I would be doing actual design work and not “going on coffee runs.”

I came in the next day, eager to being working on my assigned project, which is to redesign the commencement ceremony website. Below are sketches I work on for the page.

While I am a webdesigner, it is still important to always sketch things out. The adobe suite is a great tool, but it should not think for you. After a few edits this was the direction we decided to go:


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Filed under Internship

City Tech’s Visual Communications Office

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This semester I was lucky enough to work with City Tech’s Visual communications office,  located at 16 Court St. This office is affiliated with The City University of New York, therefore it is considered a public company. This office is responsible for all City Tech’s printed and digital design ephemera. I’m working closely with those in charge of the school’s website and designed materials. 

Their client is the school itself and each of their respective departments. When asked, they accurately describe themselves as the school’s in-house design studio. There are no recent news articles but here is a link to the schools website: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/

That website was hand coded by this office for the school. It uses a custom content management system (CMS), and links you to important information. They are also responsible for updating and creating all of its content. 

This second link is to the commencement ceremony page: http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/students/activities/commencement.aspx They have entrusted me with it’s redesign so that the recent alumni have a space to see all of their photos, videos, and have a way to keep in touch. This project will take up most of time with them, as I am both designing and coding it. All in all, I am grateful to have to opportunity to work with this department and am excited to see how I will grow.

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