Visually Enhanced Quotation

I chose the quote ” Open your eyes. Look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?”, by one of my favorite Reggae artists, Bob Marley. When I take pictures of people, I like to focus mainly on the feeling in their eyes which is great because this quote fit perfectly into some of my most powerful photos. This quote has always been a special quote to me because I take so many pictures to capture all these moments, to remind myself and everyone else what a blessing it is to even be alive in this moment.


Print Ready Final Quote 1

For the first postcard, I used a san serif font and transformed it to a decorative typeface.  I used a bright yellow background for this quote to captivate the viewers eye. I drew actual eyes on top of the letters i in the word within. I kept the letters extremely simple and distorted the letter o’s in the word look, as well as italicized the word life for emphasis.


For the next postcard,  I used a photograph that I took of my brothers eye with an overlay of the text over it in a scribble text distortion. Most importantly I centered the word ‘your’ over the eyeball. I was going for an advertisement feel while designing this one.


For the next postcard, I used a photograph of my friend with a sans serif typeface that I distorted to become decorative, that I created for the word LOOK.  I used a light beige color on what i thought were the most important words in the quote to place emphasis. I also italicized the word satisfied because that is one of the most important words in this quote.


For the final postcard, I used a red background with black and white sans serif typefaces. I bended the letter o in the word “look” to emphasize the fact that the quote means to really look within. I also warped the word “within” to emphasize the IN.