COMD 1100 Graphic Design Principles

Graphic Design Principles

Professor Carol Diamond

3D Digital Piece

3Dcomd1100jenny copy

The goal of this project was to utilize the features of Adobe Illustrator in order to create a 3D design using a triadic color scheme, which is basically colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel. For my triadic color scheme, I chose red, blue, and yellow. In Adobe Illustrator, I started using the pen tool as well as the rectangle tool to create unique shapes as well as the many Illustrator effects such as the ones under distort & transform like roughen,tweak, free distort, twist, and even zig zag. After creating and distorting the shapes, I went to the 3D option, and played with the three different options of extrude and bevel, rotate, and revolve. Overall, this was one of my favorite projects during this class.

Simultaneous Contrast FullSizeRender (1)

For the simultaneous contrast piece, we were asked to make one color appear as if it were two colors by the use of a light value and a dark value. The toughest part of this project was finding a middle value. For the first part of this project I used a yellow  background for my light value, and a blue background for my dark value. I mixed yellow and white paint to achieve the first color and cerulean blue and a touch of black paint to achieve the second. For my middle value. I used the cerulean blue with a hint of white. For the second part of this project we were instructed to use a total of seven colors, which included one control color, which was for me the orange lightning bolt, and then three light values and three dark values.


The goal of this project was to create a symmetric design using either Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. I used Adobe Photoshop to create my design. For the first part of this project we were to choose an organic form and draw it, then make the silhouette version, a simplified version, and then an arbritary graphic. Then, using the inverse tools as well as the reflection tools I created this symmetrical piece.