My internship is with a nonprofit organization that is working towards fighting against food insecurities in local communities. Even though the company is based in New York City, I will be working with other interns that are based around the United States.
I am put into different teams for different tasks. being in multiple teams allows me to build my team working skills and allows me to get my hands on multiple different projects and experiences. This internship is very team oriented and involves a lot of communication which can be difficult with so many people being in different time zones.
This week one of my big task was to edit a meet the interns collage with every interns’ headshot. The collage is to be posted on the company’s social media page as well as be sent out via emails through the outreach team.
Making this collage at times were frustrating due to the lack of clear communication at the start. When I was assigned the project, I asked many questions like what dimensions do they want the collage to be and if they want any text anywhere within the collage. The only answer I got was they want it to be formatted in Instagram dimensions which I knew meant 1080 by 1080 pixels and they wanted no text placed in the collage. With this information I made my first version and submitted it for critiques.
During critiques I was then told to add text. This was frustrating considering when I asked earlier, they said no text, but I made revisions no questions asked. When I completed the new version, I then received multiple messages from other interns who had late headshot submissions. Due to these late submissions I had to redesign the whole layout to fit in the late comers. I ended up revising the collage three times for it to be done right and approved by everyone. Luckily, I know in this field revisions and last-minute changes are common and expected but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating when it happens. To maintain proper workplace etiquette, I did what was asked of me no questions asked because the goal is to satisfy the client regardless of the amount of attempts it may take to achieve that.