Research Papers

Oral Pathology:  Aneurysmal Bone Cysts

This term project about aneurysmal Bone Cysts (often abbreviated ABCs) helps us understand that these are non-malignant tumors more commonly seen in pediatric patients and can grow aggressively.

Histology and Embryology: Hyperkeratinized

This presentation tries to indicate that hyperkeratosis is a skin condition that occurs when a person’s skin becomes thicker than usual in certain places. The body may produce extra keratin as a result of inflammation and It is important to bring awareness to the patient of these lesions.

DEN 1200 Principles of Dental Hygiene Care II: Treatment and Home Care Plan Case Study Assignment

I was provided with all the information about a patient including intraoral photos, dental/perio charting to develop a complete treatment plan and home care plan. I produced a detailed SOAP note for the patient, created a specific and individualized treatment to the patient’s oral health needs, referral and I explained what oral health goal I expect the patient to reach during the next six months.

Oral Anatomy: Dental Care in the U.S.

This term project is about how in United States, dental care is very expensive compared to other countries. It analyzes the issue of only a small fraction of the population are able to afford a good insurance that would cover most of their dental treatment, but the majority are approved only for Medicare or Medicaid. Which leaves the patient to pay most of their treatment out of pocket. From my experience as a dental assistant working in an impoverished area in NYC C, I have seen the fatal consequences that lack of dental care has among children. Some of them needed urgent dental intervention, including multiple root canals to save their teeth. Many of them come to the United States at a low economic status because of difficult situations in their home counties, where they do not have clean tap water or money to purchase oral care necessities like toothpaste.