Journal Seven

Self-Evaluate as an intern:

This internship was a huge learning experiences, it was my first job and first time gaining working experiences. My supervisor Scott was very welcoming when we first met during the interview, I didn’t know what to expect while walking into this I knew I had to separate myself from being a student and a designer. When I was assigned my first project I thought it would be easy but I was wrong, it could had been done so fast but I was wrong. I did some research of what was tasked but I didn’t choose my time wisely and didn’t take it serious as I should have had. That was a horrible mistake I decided to do since I didn’t think of what Scott was doing for me. He took the time to meet with me, make me work for his company at Artwing NY, give me space in his office and devote my time wisely when doing tasks.

I started noticing what I was doing wrong when Scott talked to me privately and told me what I was doing wrong. Instead of showing him my best as a designer I am I did the opposite of waiting until last time to actually do my work. I would give myself 1 or 2 stars out of five, for now on I’ll make sure to not slack off and put effort in everything I do. Furthermore, I’ll show the best I can do, if this was the real world as a designer I would had gotten fire within the first couple of days If I didn’t have nothing to bring or show.