Progress Report 1

February 12, 2023

My original culmination project idea went into shambles as it relied on a show performance that was supposed to happen this spring but got pushed back to the fall. I was going to film behind the scenes of my mates setting up the show and edit it into a documentary. Unfortunately, that is not the case anymore, so my collaborator and I decided to stick with the original idea but with a new twist that still follows the original story we had in mind. I want to use some original footage we shot for a meeting when my classmates were discussing the logistics of the show before it got pushed back. 

As of right now my collaborator and I are discussing scripts to add on to our project. I’m also already picturing scenarios of what to film and what kind of elements we will use. I also must update my previous proposal as a draft and present it to my culmination advisor to continue onwards with this project.

Spoke with my collaborator and finalized the idea of the film project. It will be a narrative film based on the events that transpired of my friends planning their talent show. With this new idea it will allow me to change my original proposal to a new one that it will not be a documentary but rather a narrative film based on the same principals that we originally came up with. 


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