Pink was “recognized as a concept in 800 B.C. in Homer’s Odyssey. The term was coined in the 17th century by a Greek botanist for the ruffled edges of carnations. In the mid-18th century, pink was a fashionable color among male and female aristocrats as a symbol of class and luxury” ( Baby pink is “a shade that comes from a combination of red and white. The baby pink hex code is #F4C2C2” ( According to the book “The Secret Lives of Color”, it states “Pink is, after all, just faded red, which in the era of scarlet jacketed soldiers and red robed cardinals was the most masculine color” (Kassia Clair).
I choose baby pink because it is a unique color that takes time to achieve for hair purposes. I’ve had baby pink hair before because I had platinum hair at the time and my hair stylist suggested I try it because it went well with my skin tone. I’ve also seen celebrities rock the baby pink hair color before so that made me want to try that hair color. Also, with cars I think they stand out and look vibrant and unique when their wrapped in baby pink.
Justin Bieber, Bad Bunny, Me with G Eazy in LA, J Balvin, Lexus RCF

The meaning of baby pink can be described as “this soft, light shade of pink symbolizes innocence and youthfulness. People associate it with childhood innocence and the beauty of life before it becomes complicated” ( I agree with this because it is a really soft shade of pink and it can be seen as a innocence but I use it as a way of being creative uniquely. According to the article “The complicated gender history of pink” it states “If you go back to the 18th century, little boys and little girls of the upper classes both wore pink and blue and other colors uniformly,” said Valerie Steele, director of the Museum at FIT, the Fashion Institute of Technology, in New York” ( It has always been a debate of whether pink is for boys or not but I think anyone can rock any color and it doesn’t matter what other people think.
Album that uses the word Pink, “Pink Tape” by Lil Uzi Vert

3 Sketches

“Baby Pink RGB, CMYK, Hex Color Codes and Color Meaning.” VistaCreate, 4 Apr. 2023,
Bhattacharjee, Puja. “The Complicated Gender History of Pink.” CNN, Cable News Network, 12 Jan. 2018,
Clair, Kassia St. Secret Lives of Colour. Hodder & Stoughton, 2017.
Ken Phillips Mr. Philips has spent the last 30 years in product development and management. “Ken Phillips.” Color Measurement Spectrophotometer Supplier & Manufacturer,,symbol%20of%20class%20and%20luxury. Accessed 6 Nov. 2023.
“Pink Color Psychology: What Does the Color Pink Mean?” Rhinestones Unlimited,,life%20before%20it%20becomes%20complicated. Accessed 6 Nov. 2023.