
Hello my name is Joel Barbecho but I usually go by Joel Bruce as it is my stage name and how all my friends and family know me by. My dream has always been to be a touring musician as I like to travel a lot and meet new faces, also playing music or entertaining people is something that makes me feel good that their having a good time. I like all kinds of music except gospel music, my favorite artists are Post Malone, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, Bad Bunny, and British metal bands like Iron Maiden, Bring Me The Horizon, and Asking Alexandria. My major is Entertainment Technology and in which I focus on sound and video for live concerts/ events and television. Over the summer I did my internship working with Rooftop Films as a stagehand in loading the trucks from the shop with sound, video, lighting, and the inflatable movie screen to various locations all around the 5 boroughs. We setup sound, video, and lighting for a band or DJ then we screen a movie to an audience after, then we strike all the equipment and drive the truck back to the shop. I’m more interested in the video editing side of things as I have always have had niche for it and I want to pursue it as a career. This is my last semester and I chose this class as an elective because it seemed interesting and I want to learn more about digital marketing and logos. 

My perfect idea of happiness for me would be just going on tour just traveling everyday meeting new faces and playing music. 

My greatest fear would be losing my loved ones and dying.