Progress Report #3

April 25

In March I shot a lot of footage for the film and knew where the direction of the story was going for. I showed my technical advisor Ryoya the footage and the kinds of edits I want to do. During spring break I edited all the footage with Adam to make a rough cut to show to Ryoya. We scheduled a meeting with Ryoya for April 25 and showed him the film, he enjoyed the way we edited the footage. Although he said that the beginning was a little too long because it is 1:40 seconds long, he said the beginning should be short and straight to the point and I agreed with him. So now I have to figure out a way how to make the beginning 30-40 seconds long and keep the important details in that time frame. I didn’t realize when filming that part that it was long because I wanted the beginning to show what the audience was going to see in the film.