My internship is currently timed and documented well. It has been a lot to transition school and learn the students names while also lesson planning and preparing for the classes. As well as getting a new device and now I’m taking care of a family situation out of state with no computer I resume in the beginning of July to finish the 40 hours I need left. And I must upload to open lab accordingly when I come back as well.
Introduction to designer contracts is important to understand as a designer as we use alterations to protect ourselves as well as grasp the deliverables for the client. For example the chart is the thorough thought out process of key components for an ensured protective graphic design contract.
The link I chose was titled “11 mistakes freelancers make with design contracts.” Some responses that stood out to me was, mistake # 3 Not asking for payment. That surprised me as it is interesting as well as a common sense sort of rule when thinking more about it. They went in by explaining how it is wise to have payment information dated and explained in the contract as well as 5% upfront to further secure payments. Another example that I found intriguing is example #10 Agreeing to exclusivity which is basically the definition of keeping certain topics of work confidential for businesses because as professions privacy is very important.
I looked at the graphic design contract and some points I’ve found interesting was for starters the thorough description of the designer and client.I thought this was interesting because it seems the point of the conversation was for the designers point of direction and they’re performance is understood. Which goes hand in hand to the client’s actions through the process of information and their own rights.