The current population of Japan (2020) is 126,349,496 million. Japan ranks 11th among all of the countries based on countries by population (World Meter, 2020) (Figure 1.1). From 2010 to currently 2020 there has been a fluctuation of population increase and decreasing between the span of 10 years. Even though compared to last year’s 2019 calculation of population decreased by -0.30% which is -383,840 less than from 2019’s population result of 126,860,301. 1.62% is the equivalent of the world population (Figure 1.1). In the last 10 years, there has been a decrease in the yearly population growth of 0.16% to -0.03% (Figure 1.1). Despite having a decline in population their migration net has been at a steady rate for the past 5 years of 71,560. In 2020 91.8% consists of the urban population which is a percentage difference from 2019’s urban population. Japan is a very known country based on their 4 top cities out of 70, with Tokyo being the number one main city with the population of 8,336,599, Yokohama being second with a population of 3,574,443, Osaka as the 3rd main city with a population of 2,592,413, and Nagoya being the fourth main city with the population of 2,191,279. By 2050 in 30 years it is projected that the population will decrease by -0.69%, with the population forecast it predicts that by 2045 the migrants will decrease to around 48,663 (World Meter n.d., 2020) (Figure 1.2).
The overall demographics are similar since the country mostly consists of one ethnic origin and the main language is mainly Japanese. The median age for male in Japan is 46 and for females is 48.7 years old. Japan largely consists of a homogeneous population of 98.5%, consisting of the ethnicity of Japanese people. While the rest of the 1.5% consists of a small group of foreigners working and living in japan, counts for Koreans, Chinese, Peruvians, and Brazilians. Since Japan was known for rejecting to recognize other ethnic differences because the former Japanese Prime
Minister Taro Aso stated, “one nation, one civilization, one language, one culture and one race.” (World Population Review, 2020) The average monthly expenditure for a two or more person household is 276,360 yen (approx. $2,646.42 USD) which is down by 6.7% and the income for workers’ household expenditures is 528,891 yen (approx. $5,581.75 USD) which is up by 1.4%. Which mostly consists of the change of consumption in expenditures.
(Figure 1.)