
My internship at Women’s Press collective is completed.I have accumulated 120 hours.Working there was a really good experience.I felt that there was more organizing to do there than graphic design.I feel like the move was a big factor in that outcome.During the time that I was there I must admit that I met a lot of new people from different walks of life.

Since I am somewhat of an introvert this opportunity forced me out of my comfort zone.It was inevitable that I had to communicate and work with people.I also acquired some instances of teamwork when all the interns and stacks had to organize and pack books to be shipped for the new building that the organization was moved too.I even got a little taste of leadership skills.Even though I finished working with WPC I still intend to keep in contact with them and help out on little projects whenever I have the time.Lisa  the supervisor even invited me to their little christmas party that they are having at their new location in the Bronx.

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