Primary triad

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Triadic colors are three colors equally spaced around the color wheel. They are not as contrasting as complementary colors but look more balanced. Primary colors and secondary colors are both examples of triadic color schemes.

Colors start out with the basis of all colors, called the Primary Colors. These are red, yellow, and blue. If we are talking about screen colors, such as for web devices and monitors, red green, and blue (RGB) are the basic colors which make up all colors found on screen devices.



Three hues which create standard colorways. 

Secondary triad

The Secondary Triad + = = + = +

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If you evenly mix red and yellow, yellow and blue, and blue and red, you create the secondary colors, which are green, orange and violet. Combining these colors in projects can make for a lot of contrast.



Tertiary hues

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Tertiary colors are intermediate colors that are made by mixing equal concentrations of a primary color with a secondary color adjacent to it on the color wheel.

There are three primary colors – red, yellow, and blue;  three secondary colors (made from mixing two primaries together in equal concentrations) – green, orange, and purple; and six tertiary colors – red-orange, yellow-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, yellow-green, and blue-green.




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Color displays very differently printed on a piece of paper versus viewed on screen, because it involves different color spaces: CMYK for print and RGB for web. If using both methods for a single project — say, helping a business develop a logo for its website as well as a coordinating business card — a designer will need make sure colors appear consistent between the different deliverables.




RGB refers to the colors you see when you’re looking a digital screen or monitor — dots of red, green, and blue light combine to create visible colors on your TV or computer screen.

Achieving consistent color for the web can get tricky, since display capabilities vary from monitor to monitor and colors will look different depending on settings for brightness, contrast, etc.

Ideally, users will calibrate their displays ensure accurate color representation. RGB colors are represented by three sets of numbers (ranging between a minimum and a maximum, usually 0 to 255) that refer to the amount of red, green, and blue light it takes to render a certain color. To continue the Twitter example, the RGB value for “Twitter Blue” is 85/172/238 — with 238, the value for blue light, being predominant. Six-digit codes known as hexadecimal values, commonly called hex codes, are another way to label RGB colors. These are used specifically to identify and render color when building a design with HTML and CSS.

Because the RGB color space uses a bigger color spectrum than CMYK, it’s worth noting that some designers like to initially create a print project in RGB for more color options, then convert the finished design to CMYK before printing.

