Category Archives: Uncategorized

Course site updated- 24 hour extension on assignment

I fixed some privacy settings that might have made it hard to find the course page for some people. If someone is having problems send them to this link which goes directly to the course profile so they can join … Continue reading

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Jesus’s Introduction Post

What’s up fellow classmates and professor Baker. My name is Jesus Santos and I am an emerging media and Tech major, The reason why i chose to take this course was to find out my interests and to really discover … Continue reading

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Dimple’s Introduction

Hi, my name is Dimple. I have always been fascinated by the gaming industry. Playing games are definitely fun but having to create them is somehow more appealing. I enjoy playing video games such as the Uncharted series, Far Cry 3, … Continue reading

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Matthew Soto Introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Matthew Soto. My major is emerging media and it is currently my 2nd year and I hope to one work in the video game industry, as either a 3D modeler or a 3D animator, or … Continue reading

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First Post

Hi there everyone! This is Xue Min Pan. I picked this course because I like to play video games and I love those people that are professional in 3D modeling and animation and make awesome video tutorials. I saw some great Blender … Continue reading

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Introduction and More

GitHub Username: VirgilioSamoIII Codecademy Username: Chito250 (It wouldn’t let me use Chito2500) Hello ladies, gentlemen, and Prof. Baker of MTEC 3320. My name is Virgilio Samo III and I am very proud to meet you all. Why am I here … Continue reading

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Intro post with links

Code Academy User Name: JonathanA15 Github User Name:JonathanA15 Hello fellow classmates and Prof. Baker my name is Jonathan and I am taking this class because I have always wanted to make some sort of video game. In high school I mess … Continue reading

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Things to do by Sunday sept 14th at noon

Complete the Python Syntax lesson and the Tip Calculator example on codecademy.   Watch and complete the following tutorials at 1. Downloading and Installing 2. Interface and Navigation 3. Modeling   Don’t just watch them, actually do the things they … Continue reading

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Journal Entry 5/7/2013

Assisted Rich with the character selection in Blend swap.  I was able to find a fully rigged and animated wolf.  I Created a master folder on my hard drive to organize and store all project related documentation and files.  Coordinated … Continue reading

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Journal Entry 5/2/2013

Ian Hodgson Journal Entry 5/2/2013 Work Load Itinerary –Timeline (4/25)- Goals: ·         Complete the slide show presentation for the king of Israel Assign team members their parts for presentation Work on the time limits for each presenter’s part Gather each … Continue reading

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