Author Archives: Sick Senpai Sound (Alexis Shuffler)

Journal Entry 3: The PS4/Orbis/whatever is gonna be called

I know, you’re probably thinking “wait the ps what now?” or “Its not real cause its not out nor (not yet) have been announce”. But the truth is, it all would be revealed on FEB20! anyway, it’s obvious that Sony will announce a new … Continue reading

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Lab report week 2: blender logic editor

Objective: to be familiar with blender’s game logic editor. Material: Blender’s logic editor Method: in the logic editor, use the sensors, controllers and actuator. After choosing your options for each setting, connect them together to each other for interaction. Results: … Continue reading

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journal entry: who am I

no seriously, WHO AM I? LAST THING I REMEMBER WAS WAKING UP IN A RANDOM PLACE AND…… wait, wrong story. So must of you already know me but for people that don’t, my name is Alexis Shuffler and i like … Continue reading

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Lab report Week 1- basic blender/3D modeling terms and guide

Objective: to define some of the basic functions of blender to get a better understanding of the environment. Material: Blender Discussion/Description/Data: blender has some basic geometry to make meshes/objects. An object is a mesh that is made up of points(vertexes), … Continue reading

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test post

what’s up, just a test post

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