journal week 4: PS3 Move Sensors.

SO..we’re here again…and last week I did a post about the playstation move. This time we’re gonna talk about the specific sensors on this hardware. Pretty much, the whole thing to start with? is a sensor, on the count of the blue spheres/orbs/balls whatever you want to call them. are the sensors that track the movement of the player. In my last post there was even one for a Bow and Arrow, implying the system can also track distance from between two points. These blue orbs detect within a set “box of control” how far the person can move, how fast, and in what direction. Should the spheres leave this “box” the system doesn’t work all that well or at all, or even needs to be re-calibrated if someone has too many sensors at one time on trying to do the same or multiple things. There’s nothing much more really to this as its a simple motion tracking system.

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