Lab Report Week 2: Getting Familiar with Blender

Objective   The objective for today was to simply get familiar with Blenders interface, as well as learning even more about the game logic that Blender uses.

Material: Blender

Method: We followed along on our macs as Professor Baker did his lecture, showing us what to do.  Both me and Rosa were having mouse problems, however unlike her, I was able to continue following along with Baker due to the fact that I always bring my own mouse from school. 

We learned how to go to quad view mode with control – alt – q.  We also were able to go to ortho mode using the numbers keys after hitting control.  Pressing tab put us into edit mode.

We also went over a bit of the actuators, sensors and controllers and made it so that we were able to make the cube disappear.

Result: We gave the cube the ability to control the cube’s visibility by assigning a sensor to the space bar key.

Discussion:  We talked about how we needed a controller, sensor and actuator and how Blender gives control of all of these option.   The mouse for my mac is pretty screwed up however I am still able to mess around due to the help of my own mouse.

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One Response to Lab Report Week 2: Getting Familiar with Blender

  1. ianhdesigns says:

    Sorry you had mouse troubles remember you still have keyboard options like for zooming in and out you use the +, or – symbols.

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