Monthly Archives: September 2014

Blender Tutorials

This is link for Blender Tutorials:

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I Aspire to be like: Game Programmer – Yuji Naka

In addition to the the creation of Mario, which set the standard for side-scrolling platformers in 1980’s and well into the late 1990’s, another franchise, helmed by Sonic Team Lead Programmer, Yuji Naka helped to create the status quo of … Continue reading

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First assignment feedback

The screenshots were a nice touch but don’t worry if you didn’t do them. As long as I have a .blend file showing you did the intro tutorial and your codecademy user name to check your progress everything is fine. … Continue reading

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Proof of work

Since everyone seems to be doing screen shots

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Codecademy Python and Blender

Here is my evidence that I completed your tasks. Enjoy!

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Code Academy Badges & Blender Model

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My name is Frank Mason. I am a video gamer, lover of Japanese animation and culture, writer and I consider photography to be my favorite hobby. I am looking forward to obtaining my Bachelors degree in Emerging Media Technology in … Continue reading

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Suly’s Intro

CodeAcademy: JadeH00D GitHub: SParedes9 My name is Suly and I am one of the few females in the world who actually is interested in not only Video Game playing, but also Video Game developing. I also would like to create my … Continue reading

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Course site updated- 24 hour extension on assignment

I fixed some privacy settings that might have made it hard to find the course page for some people. If someone is having problems send them to this link which goes directly to the course profile so they can join … Continue reading

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Jesus’s Introduction Post

What’s up fellow classmates and professor Baker. My name is Jesus Santos and I am an emerging media and Tech major, The reason why i chose to take this course was to find out my interests and to really discover … Continue reading

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