Journal Entry 5/2/2013

Ian Hodgson

Journal Entry


Work Load Itinerary –Timeline

(4/25)- Goals:

·         Complete the slide show presentation for the king of Israel

Assign team members their parts for presentation

Work on the time limits for each presenter’s part

Gather each presenters picks for the slide

·         Continue with documentation

Assign Wale to draft documentation write up

Team members assigned specific information to give Wale for documentation

Rich – Working on the environment, distribute to Wale all errors involve with the production of the environment and the fixes we came up with as a group

Yoonshik- Researched file distributed file to Wale

Ian & Rosa – Organization, documentation distributed to Wale

·         Create the environment

The team decided on first and third person views for the engagement of the environment

We also decided on a path structure in order of explanation for the necessarily of the game

With the environment we decided on the esthetics to be wilderness, rock, tree, and river

·         Start character selection

Due:  Tuesday 4:30 – preparation for slide show presentation

(5/2)-Goals = Identify the problems and suggestions expressed in response to our presentation.  Finish character selection from Blend swap. Define assigned character animations in correlation to the story line and functionality of the game.   

 Due: Identify fighting sequences for antagonist characters (wolves, and bear).  Ian creates a Work Load Itinerary for the group and posts it as a journal entry.

(5/7)-Goals = Discuss teaching and leading controls of the game.  Create simple obstacles in the beginning with visual instructions instead of a tutorial at the opening of KOI. Do this embodying the 3rd player aspect of the game and preparation for upcoming fight scenes.

  Due: Think of reward gratifications. Also the placement of sensors throughout the environment.

(5/9)-Goals = Create walk through for the incorporation of game elements and functionalities.  Make sure the elements are not only consistent with the story line, but accent the reward factors.

  Due: Rosa post walk through to site as a journal entry.  Make sure other team member’s journal entries are current.

(5/14)-Goals = Create sound walk through frame work for KOI.  We will achieve this by using the music selections Yoonshik gathered (making sure we have appropriate sharing privileges for selections). Yoonshik post sounds walk through as journal entry.

 Due: Completed character rigging / animations.  Submitted changes to the environment such as increase the stable size, change the prayer alter to a temple, and create a gate on the sheep pen.  (5/16)-Goals = Too implement the character selections on to our functioning environment.  Be sure to follow the walk cycle for game play as to identify errors in its functionality and cohesion.

  Due: implement the sound cycle and training text into game infrastructure.

(5/21)-Goals = Finished proto type of “king of Israel”.  Also each team member’s should have their choice of slides for the final presentation.

Due: Each team member’s 20 minute breakdown of each slide for the slideshow presentation.  We will meet Tuesday 5/21 at 4pm – 6pm to correlate our information as well as to practice our timing for Thursday’s final presentation.  We aim to specifically address the corrections/suggestions offered in our previous presentation.  Upload the game to open labs on Thursday 5/23 cheers!

(5/23)-Goals = Display slide show presentation to instructor and class.

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