Game flow/walk through
- increase the size of the pen when he comes out of hut
- shrubs blocking entire doorway which he has to clear through prompts/instructions
- instructions comes up, go check on your sheep
- all goals will be in gold color
- all other words be in silver color
- 4 sheep inside the pen, increase pen distance
- after the pen instructions appear have the sheep graze
- stomp down shaft, sheep will follow
- bear hide in bush
- arrow pointing for direction
- when in field, prompt will come up to graze
- when the sheep are grazing, there will be a 30 second timer
- David can hit the staff to let them begin grazing and hit again to let them stop grazing
- afterwards the next goal is to take sheep back to the pen
- on the way back to the pen he encounters a wolf
- he fights the wolf with prompts coming up on how to fight
- after killing the wolf, he’s rewarded with a scripts that replenish his faith bar
- he puts the sheep in the pen
- then an instruction comes up telling him he’s missing two sheep “THEY ARE STRANDED AT THE TEMPLE”
- he gets out of the hut and goes to the boat, along the way he encounters a wolf that he kills with ease
- after he defeats the wolf, an arrow appears showing a plant
- the info on the plant is that it restores the health of the sheep
- he takes it and put it in pouch
- he drives the boat solo with commands telling him how to get on and how to drive
- arrows tell him how to get to the temple
- carry the sheep back to the boat with instructions appearing on how to do so
- he drives the boat back to the pen and then another prompt comes telling David to take the sheep to go graze again.
- there he encounters a bear
- after fighting the bear, he returns what left of the sheep to the pen and goes for eveing prayer