Journal Entry 9: Final Project Proposal

I’m going to partake in the development of a game with Gabby, Justin, and Stephanie. It will serve a few purposes. We intend for it to be the first in a series (at the very least hypothetically), and as such it’s going to be laying out the foundations for future games.

The game will be short, and is intended to establish your character in future games. Your actions and decisions will determine your character’s appearance and traits, as based on a variety of animals. For the prototype we are going to finish, we’re going to be using a bird (forgot which kind specifically) and a frill neck lizard. The character designs will be human chibis incorporating a recognizable component of each animal. It’ll similar to Nekko, where you find cat paws, ears, and tail on a human, except our bird chibi will just have wings and our lizard chibi will just have the frill neck of the lizard as pseudo hair.

We are going to establish the player’s character at the end of the game based on the way they fulfill quests, converse, and react. Similar to Mass Effect (but hopefully with better animation.)

My role will be primarily coding the game, but I hope and intend to involve myself in the level design, modeling, animating, and texturing process.

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