Lab reprot week 8 – python and blender

Objective: To be familiar with python in blender’s game engine.

Materials: Blender, Blender’s text editor and terminal on your computer.

Methods: first open up blender using the terminal window. if you don’t know how, then just find Blender inside the blender folder under your applications, right click to show packages, look in the contents, MacOs and open Blender from there. Now setup up blender into a 3 window view. The usual logic editor on bottom, 3D view on top, but next to that bring up the text editor. That’s where all the python code goes. A good way and example to learn about how to script python in blender, this site breaks it down.

Results: Everything worked like it was suppose to. If there was an error or something wasn’t working like it was suppose to, you can take a look at the terminal window to see were it went wrong and debug.

Discussion: Now i’m ready for the next step.

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