Journal Entry #8 – Proposal

The device I like to choose and talk about, is the virtual keyboard. This tiny device uses laser to project a keyboard on any flat surface. You can then type away accompanied by simulated key click sounds .Laser Virtual Keyboard can approach typing speeds of a standard keyboard and is the size of a matchbook. Below are some key points about this gadget. It actually looks pretty cool too. It
• Projects a full-size laser keyboard onto any flat surface
• Allows the convenience of full-size typing in a tiny form factor
• Connects wirelessly via bluetooth to iPhone, iPad, many Smartphones and most Laptops
• Mouse mode allows you to use your finger as a mouse rather than typing when using with a laptop.
• Rechargeable battery lasts for 150 minutes of continuous typing
• Charges via USB. No drive to install
The controller functions for the laser keyboard is very simple. I listed below what each represent on the cube.
Battery Lower LED
Charging Red
Full Green
Low Orange
Searching last device Bright Blue(blinking)
Searching new device Dark Blue(blinking)
Successful pairing Bright Blue
Disconnected Blue and Green(alternating)
Searching for device Dark Blue(blinking)
Successful pairing Bright Blue
Disconnected Blue and Green(alternating)
Connected Green Green
Keyboard Upper LED
Connected via USB Green
Connected via HID Bright Blue
Connected via SPP Bright Blue
Mouse Mode Upper LED
Connected via USB Green (blinking)
Connected via HID Bright Blue(blinking)
Connected via SPP Bright Blue(blinking)
The Actuators are the sensors that receives the input and output of typing, along with the sounds it makes each time a key is pressed on the keyboard.

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