Journal Entry 8 – Case Study

Over the course of these past two months I have become enamored with 3D animation. Not only that – I am determined to get good at it. Which is interesting because I am not a gamer and I had never really thought about it before outside of the context of movies. Now I find that the class I took only because Dr. Baker told me that I should is my favorite. And now I find that my head is filled with ideas about its multitude of applications and questions about how I can make it one of the cornerstones of my new career. (The caveat being that I am a total beginner and have my work cut out for me!) But, God willing and if the creek don’t rise, I will come out of this with highly marketable skills. But wait! There’s more.

Enter our journal reports. When I first started focusing on the Kinect it was for a couple of simple reasons. I have a Wii, I really like it, and the Kinect is a more advanced version. Which brings us to motion capture. (Another technology that I had never given much thought to but am now fascinated with.) That is why my case study is going to expand upon the materials I have already covered with an eye to the future. Where is all of this taking us? What are researchers and developers working on right now? What are they hoping for? How will it impact social media and marketing? How will it impact the military? If I can peer a few moments into the future and get an inkling of what’s to come then I will be happy.

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