Week 7 Lab

Ian Hodgson

Week 7 Lab

Explore Python in Blender Game Engine

3D interactive

Professor Baker

Thursday March 14, 2013


Objective:  Review previous class 3d environments using MO CAP:  Motion caption and how it works with sensors and suits.  We tried exploring where which game editor is where in pinball game (dissecting sensors, controllers, actuators).  We reviewed artist blogs for blender.  One artist for rigid models, found that using constraints instead of armatures  to do animation rigs.  Also the ability to embed 3d models in blender.  The Rock Paper Shotgun site host the steam green light program for their online community , of which used to be restricted to invite but now open. Leap motion integration in blender video as an example of his hand manipulating objects in real time, in blender.  Galley of pics using the node editor in blender. Bit torrent live now in beta, brings live web casting to the masses.  This is a future form of networking for an online game world.  Review open lab post my log post about Mo cap without sensors.  Open CV wiki page is a library for doing CPU vision stuff assessable to all platforms.  Lab post on camera tracking, augmented reality tricks in blender.  Introduction to blender game engine with python. to write a custom python brick to create simple instruction

Materials:  MS Word, Internet, Blender, Logic editor, Python council, python reference library API

 Methods:  Blender.org – education – python reference – python API reference 2.6 – game engine module – game logic.bge


  • Globaldict = shared folder for dumping code info like a junk drawer for your code
  • General Functions = basic utility toolkit for general functions
  • Parameter = inputs
  • Returntype = outputs

Some functions do stuff but doesn’t but return values for ex: Get commands

  • frame or tic rate = tweak speed in the game engine, processing time for physic engine
  • ****Next frame functions**** = stops code to move forward
  • utility function = converting file paths, rendering frame rates, open level file graphics, dump engine into council for error checking
  • variables = can change over time
  • constraints = set true values that don’t change



Discussions: Learning how the API library’s assist in writing bricks of code in python for blender.  Learning how to call functions.  Knowing that when using python there’s no controller because you ( the programer ) are the controller.

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