journal entry 7: the future of gaming

Thanks to David aka super sand lesbian, we have learned about the Oculus Rift ( To me, I can see this being used by gamers within 5 years. Although the oculus rift is cool, some people (me for example), don’t want to have to sit with a big contraption on your face to play games.

This is where Microsoft’s IllumiRoom ( comes in. I wouldn’t say the IllumiRoom is the same as the occulus rift, but it essentially allows the player to view other parts of the game without using the controller to move the camera or in the case of the occulus rift, move your head.

While the IllumiRoom looks cool and is an interesting idea, I don’t see this project being approved for mass production. I don’t see the average gamer and possibly the hardcore gamers spending money on multiple devices to play a game or fixing the area where he or she plays to make sure the IllumiRoom looks the best.

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