Week 5 Lab

Ian Hodgson

Week 5 Lab


3D interactive

Professor Baker

Thursday February 28, 2013

Objective:  Review previous class 3d environments using sensors in blender. Understanding and applying functions for controller in connection to the sensors. In manipulation of an object underlining what functions do? Controllers start using game properties and store info for example in a game.  Boolean values are true and false, or on and off

Materials:  MS Word, Internet, Blender, Logic editor.

 Methods:  using modifiers and toggle state to define states for and object.  When naming properties be careful to name it appropriately in your controller pallet.  Using the properties palette for declaring a Boolean variable either to store or make visible.  Select a check in that property to be set to a default.  Using motion in the actuator palette causes the object to move in a specified direction

 Data:  And – all inputs have to be true in order to do something.

Nor – inverse of and none have to be true.

Or – can only happen when both are pressed.

Exclusive or – only happen when one is pressed.

 Analysis:  We assigned a sensor with a property – then we set the controller to and to combine the sensor with the actuator – then the actuator to move with a value of 10.  Never make two make to actuators active at the same time cause it will cause conflict with the controller.

 Results:  We were able to move (nudge) with the spacebar.  We were able to make decision from input values placed in controllers.

 Discussions: Analysis of controller state.  Acquiring internships (RazorFish).


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