Lab Report Week 5

TITLE: Lab Report Week 5

OBJECTIVE: Continue learning controller

MATERIALS: Blender Logic Editor

METHODS: Visible toggle- Sensor (keyboard -spacebar), AND controller, Visibility Actuator (visible uncheck)
Visible/Invisible- Sensor (Keyboard -spacebar) sensor, NOR controller, Visibility Actuator (visible checked)
In game property add the name you want in little box, then in log toggle pick it
Box move back and forth- Sensor (Keyboard, spacebar, invert), Nor Controller, Actuator (Motion, Visibility, Y=2)
2nd part – Sensor (Keyboard, spacebar, invert), And Controller, Actuator (Motion, Visibility, Y=2)
Spacebar keyboard and box moves (Keyboard-(spacebar)Tap, Invert), AND Controller, Actuator(Motion, Simple motion, Y=.10)
Rotation- Sensor (Keyboard, Tap, Invert, Down Arrow), AND Controller, Actuator (Motion, Rot. X=.75, Y=.75, Z=.75)

RESULTS: Cube was able to move in all the directions we wanted it too

DISCUSSION: Will continue to learn more and continue to go into actuator next week

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