Lab Report #5 Week 6

TITLE:             Lab Report #5 Week 6

OBJECTIVE:    To try out several controllers and memorize their functions

MATERIALS:   Blender Logic Editor, left and right hands

METHODS:     We basically did what we did last week just to start things off, get our feet     wet if you will. If you don’t know what we did last week, please see last week’s lab. For this week we got into some more interesting things. They are as follows:

1.Stick with the same basic Spacebar as the Sensor, but click on Invert and Tap for the Sensor

2.For the Controller stick with And

3.And for the Actuator as opposed to Visibility, use Motion instead.

4.Start simple, under Motion set the Y axis to a relatively low number, .40 would do just fine.

5. This would make the cube move to the right when tapped.

6. From here you can assign another key to move the cube to the left  which is also on the Y-axis but the low number should be negative.

7. To move the cube up or down, set the Motion’s X-axis to a positive value or a negative value.

RESULTS:       This was a great lab, I was able to move the cub in all 4 directions. Furthermore I was also able to make it just spin in one spot.

DISCUSSION: For the next time, I would like to see what other tools are under the Actuator.

About rusnuvol

I'm tall.
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