Journal Entry 5 : Your tablet and you

With the market overflowing with selection, one would assume that there are just as many platforms/ O.S’s that these tablets run on. The truth of the matter is that there are only about 5 or 6 tablet operating systems worth noting at the moment. Just like computers we have two giants that tend to dominate the market.

To no ones surprise  Although it pains me to say it, Apples’s IOS leads the way, mainly because of the fact that it can be found on products like the iPad and iPhone series of products. But what has made it a last?

Pros: iOS can not be beat when it comes to its media playing abilities, Apple Apps are still way ahead in terms of quality and quantity; Not everything is a winning app, but it does guarantee a certain level of quality that you often don’t get with its competitors. iOS has one of the best UIs available and it gets updates faster than other platforms. The Gap between development and release is minimal(as we all know because it seems like we need to update their products every 20 minutes….I exaggerate of course) . And what I would consider its biggest feature is its ability to seamlessly sync with mac desktops, others just do not compare…..YET!

Cons: One main complaint I read about online is when developing for IOS you risk the chance of your app getting rejected without any reason being given, not to mention the constraints of their guidelines tend to stifle developers. Not healthy when looking for the next big thing. IOSs’ need to use itunes to sync every file to your platform is also seen as a drawback.


If your like me and prefer your corporations a little less evil then the other big dog on the block is the one you want to get on-board with. Android is just a much a house hold name in the tablet market as IOS. Here is why?

Pros: IT IS NOT APPLE!!!!!!!

But seriously Android has been known for its multitasking ability, and that has not changed one bit.  The Android market for Apps is grows at a faster rate than Apple’s, mainly because it so much more developer friendly. That being said there are a lot of turds floating  in the sea of apps.  Also no other OS has the freedom it gives the user in choosing suitable hardware. And last but not least it is backed by GOOGLE.

Cons: It is backed by GOOGLE. With the need to have a Google account to operate their phones users are sharing very personal information with Google, and we all know how much they love keeping tabs on us (Side not I LOVE GOOGLE! But I know they are evil just like apple. I just hate apple more). On the other hand it does mean all our info is backed up if we were to lose the device, but at what cost. I also think personally that the OS is to fragmented. There are so many different versions out there that you tend to lose count.

Something new…

Windows has been non existent in this world, but their launch of windows 8 and their tablet  the surface they hope to change that. The biggest thing when we look at them is that they are incorporating a way to seamlessly sync devices together. from their mobile devices to PCs to the XBOX, they seem to be taking a page from apple. We will see where they and up.

And the others….

We also have the option of going with these following OS’s is if you really want to stay away from the other

  • webOS
  • BlackBerry tablet OS
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