lab week 4: Logic Editor.

Objective: More indepth use of the logic editor in blender.

Tools: Blender logic editor, Collision sensor, ‘and’ and “Sound” Actuator



Method: To start, open the logic editor in blender in the lower left hand corner of the window. Add a few cubes,  and form a staircase. then another facing the opposite direction downward, select both of them and duplicate them, and make my little stairway thing. Make a UV sphere or ionosphere and set it to Rigid body in the physics engine. On the last set of the stairs set up the logic editor.


Set the sensor to Collision, ‘And’ for the controller, and sound for the actuator, then just get an mp3 file for it to run, Press P and let it rip.


Disscusion: This logic editor is too fun, trying to make things explode while trying to work it with the audio functions in the actuators is too much fun.

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