Title: Lab 3 Week 4



Objective(s): To try out different sensors and see how they interact with the Controllers and Actuators. This is to try to accommodate as many scenes that we may encounter (read: proximity mines). To see how if a cube can disappear on contact with fellow cubes.

Materials: Game Logic Editor, right hand to click stuff


  1. Make a cube
  2. Make sure it is named properly i.e. Rigid Body
  3. Make sure it is set to rigid body as opposed to static.
  4. Have 2 other cubes handy, they should have recognizable names as well. However they should be set to static not rigid body.
  5. The static cubes should have their actor boxes checked as well. They would be participating after all.
  6. Click on the Rigid body cube and add NEAR sensor.
  7. The Controller selected  should be AND
  8. The Actuator selected should be VISIBILITY. However the visibility box should be unchecked.
  9.  Make sure the cubes are placed in a certain position

10. Press P for play and watch the Magic Happen.

Results: After P was pressed Magic Happened. The Cube fell down and disappeared as it came on contact and with some further tinkering not listed above it reappeared after it passed the cubes it came on contact with. It definitely pulled a Madara.

Discussion: I would have loved it things worked right from the get go, but they worked after like the 4th try. This doesn’t make much room for personal tinkering thereby adding more reasons why personal tinkering should be done at home. This I intend on doing. Also I would like to see how these skills can be used for real world situation. I would definitely like to install a Proximity mine on the handle of my fridge door.

About rusnuvol

I'm tall.
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