Journal Entry 4: Touch screens

Lately everything has a touch screen from tablets to stove tops. I find them to be a great peice of imput technology, especially considering the alternative. Let me clear this up, I am not saying I dont like to use a mouse when I use a computer or tablet, I just enjoy what a touch screen allows me to do.  Before touch screens we would use conventional methods of interacting with our phones, computers, even our appliances (toasters, ovens, microwaves, etc…). Computers still generally use mice and keyboards, for input, but who doesn’t like using touch screen monitors. It allows for faster interaction with the computer and it allows the user to feel like he/she has more direct input over where he/she is clicking. I would go as far as saying if not for touch screens smartphones and tablets would not be as popular, or even as successful. Making this not only a great method to interact and input information, but it can be considered revolutionary as well.

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