Journal Entry 4: Inputs

So on the topic of inputs I’d thought I’d continue with the Oculus Rift as I did in my last journal post.

The purpose of any virtual reality headgear is to immerse the user as much as possible; the Oculus Rift does just that. To start, the Rift is equipped with a combination 3-axis gyros, accelerometers and magnetometers. These combined allow the Rift to accurately track the users point of view and display that data onto any game being used in cohesion. To prove that I didn’t just copy paste this stuff off of some site, I’ll explain what each one of these inputs does(although I feel most of you do know what they do). Gyros are used to pinpoint the exact angle in which the head is tilted, accelerometers  are used for detecting the speed of the users’ head motion and as for the magnetometers, I’m not quite sure what they’re used for but probably to detect if there are nearby objects that would affect the user’s experience.

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