Open Source Console!

So what is the OUYA? Well, it’s as the title says, an open source console. The hardware and software is free to be tampered with as long as credit is given where it’s due. Go nuts!

Part of the goal behind the OUYA is also to be aimed at independent developers. The people who want to put their games on a console but don’t want/know/have the means to go through the console gods.

But wait! What about Android and iOS and Symbian, WebOS, Windows and other mobile devices and platforms that don’t have those fees?

They’re all mobile. The mobile device is quickly gaining on consoles, absolutely, but the console market is still alive. Plus, OUYA runs a modified version of Android, so it’s already got titles for people. Why not sync up your save files so you can play from your phone onto your TV? Interchangeability happened with several forms of media!

Yes, you can plug in your device to your TV. Doncha like buttons though?

So yeah this is it:

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