Journal Week 3– Playstation move.


And now that I have your attention….LETS TALK ABOUT THE PLAYSTATION MOVE!!! Now for those of you who own consoles you probably thought “playstation move and the Kinect are just ripped from the Wii system”…and you’d be right… 🙁

Like the Kinect and Wii-motes this requires a sensor of some kind, in this case the “playstation eye”, which was used in the past to capture one’s whole body (successor to the playstation 2’s ‘Eye toy’) . But now with the Move locks onto specific sensors attached to the Move motion controller (refer too image below).

The Playstation Eye, while capturing the person body, for the sake of controlling the characters actions on screen refers to the blue spheres to repeat and mimic the movement on screen. For any list of reasons special controllers were made for specific games, party games, etc.



Personally I wouldn’t ever  buy something like this but who knows this may just be the future of gaming..if they can get it right for controller lovers and motion control lovers to work on just one control set.


And with that…here is the meme of the day.

Remember people no class tomorrow.

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4 Responses to Journal Week 3– Playstation move.

  1. I myself haven’t gotten a playstation move before and thought it was a waste of money, but after reading this I can see the possibilities it can do. Sure, I’m still not interested in it but my views on it have changed a lot compared to before.

  2. stephanie s says:

    I think you make some very interesting points! And I agree, those are a lot of accoutrements and they need to figure out way to combine them a bit!

  3. J.Seda says:

    Dat picture drew me in. ANYWAYS.. I always wanted a Playstation move.. and this just convinces me more that I need to get one!

  4. let the random gif post war begin! lol at that goku gif

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