Lab Report Week 2: Introduction to Game Logic in Blender

Objective: Navigating to Blender Game Logic Interface and moving an object forward using Blender Game Logic


Materials: Blender 2.65 and a Mac/Windows computer




Step 1. Open Blender


Step 2. Look at the top of the window where it says default and Blender Render.


Step 3. Click on them both to open a drop down menu and select Game logic when selecting the drop down box for default and Blender Game when selecting the drop down box for Blender Render.


Step 4. Having the default cube selected, look at the bottom half of the new interface where it says Add Sensor, Add Controller and Add Actuator.


Step 5. For Add sensor, click it for a drop down box and pick keyboard. Where it says Key, click the empty box and press whatever key you want to make the cube go forward.


Step 6. For Add controller, select the And option.


Step 7. For Add Actuator, select Motion.


Step 8. On the far right side of the screen, click on the physics tab and make sure that the cube is either dynamic or rigid body so it can move.


Step 9. For motion, if you have the object as dynamic, make where it says Linear Velocity any number you like in the Y axis. This is so it can move forward.


Step 10. Lastly, link the sensor, controller and actuator together with the little black circles that are shown. Click on the black circles for a rope like line to appear. Link the sensor with the controller and then link the controller with the actuator.


Results: Hovering your mouse over the default window and pressing P will start the game and whatever key you bound to move forward should make the cube move forward! Whatever number you put in the Linear Velocity will decide how fast the cube will move.


Discussion: Nothing went wrong, the directions were quite simple and easy to understand. All you need a little bit of common sense and direction to navigate to Game logic and make something move. The cube moves forward successfully as it should and the next steps after making the cube move forward would be move it in other directions.



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