Journal Entry 2: However did i end up here?

Hello all, most of don’t know me but the few of you that do….watch your back. Let me introduce myself. I’m the guy that used to sit over there (points) and now sits over there (points in the other direction). I also like apples.


What am i doing in this class? I have some experience with blender, actually very very limited experience with blender. I hope to further refine my experience in hopes of being a pre-visualization artist someday.


If that one person decides to watch the clip, know that it’s 5 minutes long and that it doesn’t talk about blender. However, it does deal with the 3d environment.

About rusnuvol

I'm tall.
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One Response to Journal Entry 2: However did i end up here?

  1. kimyoonshik says:

    I am the one who decided watch the clip! =) I took a Maya class before, to be honest I felt like I will never be able to figure out how it works LOL but I know I did not do my best at that time… I am looking forward to this semester to learn Blender!

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