journal entry 2: about me

Hello all, most of you know me, but for those that don’t let me introduce myself to you.

My name is Philip and I am looking forward to learning about the 3D programming world.

What I know: HTML/CSS, some Javascript, some PHP, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash.

What I don’t know: Blender. Which is why I am taking this course.

I am new to the 3D environment. I do have experience with 2D environments, for example Flash and After Effects. I do have years of experience playing video games. My all time favorite 3D game has to be Mario 64. I believe that game revolutionized the 3D video game world. If I had to pick a modern 3D game/series that I like, I would say Assassin’s Creed. One of many reasons as to why I like this series is because it deviates from the standard linear action/adventure games.

That’s all i got for now.

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One Response to journal entry 2: about me

  1. michaelp85 says:

    Mario 64 was an amazing game, and I completly agree that the game definaltely made the largest strides of any game at the time as far as starting the whole 3d trend.

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