lab report week 1: Getting started with Blender

Today we started getting into Blender, the main program we are going to work on.  I’ve seen Blender being used a few times but not actually used it before so this’ll be a new experience for me.



x,y,z axes – They are the axis that you move the object on.
translate – The movement of an object
rotate – Rotating an object so that it may be facing a different direction then it originally was.
scale – The re-sizing of an object.
point/vertex – the point where edges meet.
line/edge  –  Created when joining two vertex’s together.
surfaces – A polygon with 3 or more edges
mesh – a combination of vertices, edges and surfaces.

Translating – Simply click the arrow and move it along the axis.  The axis you move it on is dependent on which arrow you click on which is differentiated by the color.  X axis is red, Y axis is green and Z axis is blue.

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