Lab report Week 1- basic blender/3D modeling terms and guide

Objective: to define some of the basic functions of blender to get a better understanding of the environment.

Material: Blender

Discussion/Description/Data: blender has some basic geometry to make meshes/objects. An object is a mesh that is made up of points(vertexes), lines(edges), and surfaces(faces). You can translate, rotate or scale objects: translate – move objects on the axis
. rotate – rotate around the axis. 
scale- shrink or stretch objects. x,y,z axes – axis on a plane. x is horizontal, y is vertical and z is forward/backwards or depth. some view modes: Textured – detects light. 
Solid – basic mesh view, shows the surfaces. 
Wireframe – shows only the points/vertexes and lines/edges. Blender also has an animation environment. You can make your animations and render them. If you’re familiar with previous animation environment like Flash, it has frames, layers and stuff like that.

Blender can do basic and advance things. for more on that, you can visit their site for info and better tutorials.

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