TITLE: Lab Report Week 1

OBJEECIVE: I would like to learn Blender program as a whole and be able to make 3D game screens.

MATERIALS: I used Blender program, Google for term definitions, grab application, and notepad to write down explanation from professor.

METHODS: I was trying to learn all the terms from professor Baker demonstration. Below are the terms I learned during the lab section:

X,Y,Z axes – This shows the three coordinates with grid (x-move left to right, y- move up or down, z- the depth of the object (+ object moves forwards toward us – object moves backward))


When you select the green arrow and pull to right, object will move along the X axes.

DISCUSSION: The next step would be learning how to rotate, which will be coming
in the next tutorial.

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2 Responses to LAB REPORT WEEK 1

  1. ianhdesigns says:

    Is this your first experience in a 3D environments? Would this field be of interest to you?

  2. PLASX says:

    could you show me how to do this with 3 cubes?

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