Week1 lab

Ian Hodgson

Interactive 3D

Week 1 Lab Report


The first lab was to understand user interface for Blender.  Also the lab was to define as many terminologies for class as possible.


  • CPU (mac)
  • Browser (Firefox)
  • 3D software (Blender)
  • MS Word

•    Defining tool bar
•    Interact with blender environments
•    Classify short Cuts
•    Optional methods for controlling tools
•    Define the word or phrase


Translate – means to move objects in blender along its axis.

Object Mode – (tab key short cut) select the object itself.

Edit Mode – Gives you the ability to edit geometry.

Render –Take a screen shot of the scene that is immediately viewed through the camera or any perspective of your choice.


Acquired the ability to use the blender interface including navigation and tools.






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2 Responses to Week1 lab

  1. babyxface says:

    Since I know you know 3D Maya, do you see similarities in both programs?

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