Category Archives: Assignment 4

Swiss-style Poster/ Thoughts on Project 4

This project has been real interesting. It has taught me how to truly appreciate colors. Before we started, I thought that there was only one color, and I could rarely tell the difference between different levels of saturation. While painting the muted colors, I learned how even a little amount of white, or a little amount of a color’s compliment can drastically change the color’s hue. I feel that in this project that if I could have planned out the arrangement of the elements in the paintings, which would have helped the colors shine better. Planning would of also helped me ensure that I had enough of each color to paint everything I needed. All in all, I feel that this Swiss-style poster culminates the ideas and techniques we learned in this project.

Silent Rain

Silent Rain

Total Work Hours: 10-12 hours


Filed under Assignment 4, Coursework

Prismatic Color paintings

Getting the pure colors was the easiest of the three painting sets. I personally feel that the narrow range is the best of the two paintings. Although the broad range is very well organized and compliment each other really well.

2014-04-07 12.08.09

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Filed under Assignment 4, Coursework

Muted color paintings

I wasted a lot of paint trying to get the mixtures right for this collage, but once I did it, I really love the way the colors complement each other. My broad range feels like the best of the two paintings

2014-04-07 12.05.58

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Filed under Assignment 4, Coursework