The Fire-Belly Design event was a virtual event by AIGA NY. Will Miller was the event’s host. This was a networking event. The topic which was covered we’re designing a better Chicago. Second, type force:community + creation. Third grant for good branding for all. Girls garage. The event was a lot of fun. Everyone was courteous. At the conclusion, four people had questions. There were roughly 41 attendees. This event taught me a lot, such as when they said, “We are those that believe in each other, the work we perform, and the causes of our customers.” That, I believe, is what should matter the most, because we as designers have a unique ability to present what we believe we can do. Their aim is to bring their own interest and personality to their studio work.  They collaborate every day to come up with smart and inspired work, significant work and do smart things.

Previously a post office, their studio/office has exposed masonry and filing cabinets, along with design literature and inspiration artwork. This event was a great experience but I did not receive a follow-up email. They talk about how they start with research, exploration, strategy, then creation and conclude with the application, evaluation, and documentation. A teamwork approach is emphasized, as well as doing deep work without distractions. They discuss the significance of working together as part of a strong team. We should learn from one another and assist one another as peers to improve our performance. This was amazing. I’ve never been to a networking event and haven’t heard of either. However, I enjoyed the event because all of the hosts and attendees were pleasant. Also, the fact that they showed the entire tour of the workplace while they were working was outstanding. They show their work in design categories such as typography, brand identity, and non-profit projects. the works they presented were designing a better Chicago, type force: community + creation, grant for good branding for everybody, and Girls garage.

The event was very informative, especially regarding brand identity and typography. The work displayed at the networking event provided a lot of information about what other students have done to achieve their goals through doing these pieces of art. by looking at their work gave me a better insight into the Fire-Belly Studio networking session. Checking out the website afterward was very beneficial for me. It was a great opportunity to learn from it and I am confident I will use it in the future.

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