Assignment for Wed 4/15

FYI, we will try to Zoom 2:30p-3ish next Wed for those interested in checking in and hanging via video and “real time.” ;). Anyway, onward…


  1. I’ve provided/posted my own feedback for everyone who turned in an Essay 1, which can be easily accessed by clicking “Essay 1 Feedback” to the right ( –> ) and clicking on the post with your name in it.  It is my hope that others will post their feedback as well given that this is a required part of the course, necessary to pass.
  2. I want you to send me a draft of your Essay 2. Work on this if you need to; e-mail me if you need help. If you haven’t yet sent me a draft of Essay 1, send that too!
  3. Writing Prompt: Making Connections Between Texts & Media.  One of the most important skills for college writing that I want us to practice in Essay 2 is identifying points of connection between different things we read, listen to, and watch—and writing about those connections.  To that end, I want you to look at readings 10, 12, and 13 (available here) and then do the following

A) Write out the basic info for each text: author name, title, and publication info (if available).

B) Make a list of anything these three texts have in common.  Take your time and be creative: think broadly and widely and obviously at first and then try to get more specific.  See if you can write out 4-5 points of connection in your list.

C) (Re-)watch the Drake music video referred to in reading #13.  In paragraph form, tell me about how you see the visuals of this video (the fashion, the backgrounds, the action, etc.) as connecting to the idea of “normcore” in reading #10.  Is this video “normcore”?  Why or why not?


UPDATE: Hi everyone,

Just wanted to clarify that we will NOT meet today on Zoom in honor of the CUNY-wide “re-calibration period.”
For Sunday, please catch up on any assignments you have not yet done–including a draft of your Essay 2 (please e-mail this to me as a DOC, Google Doc, or PDF).
Hope y’all staying well,


As most of you are likely aware, CUNY is officially on “Pause” until late next week.  As such, the assignment posted that is coming due tomorrow (Sun 3/29) does not need to be completed by then.  Also, we will not meet via Zoom this coming Wednesday in observance of the call for us to stop and “re-calibrate.”  I’ve mentioned this repeatedly, but will emphasize once more that in the interest of keeping everyone as up-to-date with work for this class as possible, I am encouraging you to use this time to catch up on any blog assignments you’ve missed to date.  NOTE: I will give you credit for any blog work you complete, even if it’s late; just e-mail me to let me know what you’ve completed so that I can mark the assignment as “completed” in my gradebook.

Will check in with you all here and via e-mail when the “Pause” is over next weekend…

Stay well.