6 thoughts on “For Wed 5/13”

  1. Both prompts are similar in that they both ask the writer about express their opinions on “commuters interacting with strangers or staying anti-social” throughout the experiment.

    The differences in the prompts are that:

    Essay A asks for an argumentative essay where the writer has the option to agree or disagree with the author’s conclusion.
    Essay B asks to write an essay that relates to the topic, based on personal experience and develop an idea
    that is similar to the research.

  2. Prompt A – Wants you to write an essay that supports or rebuts a point made in Dunn & Norton’s essay. It’s literally asking that we “defend or argue against the main idea of the article.” It doesn’t seem to require hard data to support your stance, so your Prompt A essay would most likely just express an opinion.

    Prompt B – Wants you to prove your fallibility by recounting a time your assumptions turned out to be wrong. It asks you to first, understand why there was such a difference between what happened and what you expected. Then explain it in your essay. This will also express an opinion, and support the main idea of the essay.

    Both prompts require you to either “defend or argue against the main idea of the article” using your opinion and personal experience.

  3. both prompts are the same because they ask to give your opinion.

    the difference are the different type of essay one is an arguementative essay where you have to pick a side (defend or oppose) and the other is narrative essay where you have to write about you own personal experience.

  4. The difference between the two prompts (prompt A and prompt B) is that prompt A asks for a debate on whether you agree or disagree with the claim, while prompt B asks you to make a text to self connection and share your experience related to the essay.

    Both prompts And B are also similar as they both ask for your opinion and wants you to make a connection with the text.

  5. The prompts are similar because they ask you to write about two sides of the same coin. Prompt A is more argumentative, and Prompt B depends more on personal experience.

    But, both ask to draw from personal experiences.

  6. The difference between both prompts:

    The difference between prompt A and prompt B is that prompt A is more argumentative and where prompt B is more of personal experience.

    The similarity in both prompts are:

    Both prompts are similar in a way where they ask the writer to express their opinion on ”commuters interacting with strangers or staying anti-social” throughout the experiment.

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